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The Roundup: Cinema & Snacks

Happy Saturday everybody! Can you believe how quickly the weeks are flying by? I can't believe it's September already! So I haven't been up to much besides studying this week, but today I went to see When the Game Stands Tall, which I will talk more about later in this post. Now back to my healthy snacking: after finishing up my juice cleanse, I've been trying to keep myself snacking on healthier foods (because I have a bad habit of snacking on chips and candy).

This week, I decided to try out some baby carrots with tzatziki dip a la Cava! They're delicious and at 35 calories for every 2 tablespoons, how could you resist? I also finished up the salmon caper dip, as well as Cava's harissa on some multigrain pita crackers - two very good combinations!

Photo Aug 29, 10 28 15 AM.jpg

Now on to When the Game Stands Tall - such a wonderful film, really enjoyed it! Then again, I admittedly have a special place in my heart for all football movies. I remember the first time I saw Remember the Titans - I was just bawling during the hospital scene when Julius visited Gary after his accident. The nurse tries to tell Julius to leave because only family is allowed to visit with the patient, but Gary stops her and says, "Don't you see the resemblance? He's my brother." What a power moment in cinematic history for the classic "football movie."

When the Game Stands Tall.jpg

When the Game Stands Tall doesn't deal with overcoming racial prejudice, but it's definitely about defeating the terrible stigma that comes along with losing a 151-game winning streak. I had no idea that a team in Oakland, CA even held such a tremendous effort. All and all, the movie had a lot of powerful and feel-good moments: about loss, about recovery, and about the power of love and teamwork. Maybe it seems cliched, but there's something beautiful to me about a story of overcoming struggle and, in the process, finding the family that you never knew you had.

Tonight my friends and I are trying out some new nosh in Shirlington: Busyboys and Poets. I will definitely let you know how the food in my post next week. Until then, hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday and has a phenom weekend!

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