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The Roundup: M1

What is they say about endings? They're always so bittersweet. I can't believe how quickly this past year flew by. I can't believe that 10 months ago my biggest concern was whether or not I could make it through my first year of medical school. Now that the first year is over we're all hard at work writing our summative portfolios. We have been charged to describe how this past year has helped us develop four key competencies: (1) professionalism, (2) teamwork, (3) scholarship, (4) reflective practice. So I hope that maintaining this blog over the summer will count towards my reflective practice competency.

I'm sure this will sound every bit as canned as it does in my head, but this past year has taught me so much about myself, my peers, who I want to be as a future physician, and life in general. I was talking to a friend and told him I thought most people come to medical school with one of two different goals: (1) despite the bureaucracy and the healthcare climate, don't let the system change me or (2) let this journey change me into someone different who can practice medicine - one against and one for change. So which category am I in? I came here wanting to stay the same, to stay true to the reasons that drive my interest and pursuit of a career in medicine.

This past year, though, has shed a light on lots of professional and personal shortcomings that I hope to address this summer and throughout my second year. I came here wanting to stay the same, and nowadays I find myself hoping that this journey can change me and make me a better friend, a better daughter, and a better practitioner of medicine. My classmates are giants and if I see far, it's because I'm perching on their shoulders (like an annoying parrot).

I've met some really amazing people in the past 10 months. Some have truly changed my life forever. When I interviewed at Case I asked every student what they thought was Case's biggest strength. Nearly everyone said, "the people" - and it's just so unbelievably true. Case chose some really fantastic people - people who will help you grow, who will help you when you're up against a wall, who will challenge you to do better and be better. I can't imagine the 10 months without my classmates exactly as they are, exactly who they are. With that, I bid adieu to my first year!

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